Sunday, December 26, 2010


Well, Christmas is over. It always comes and goes so quickly. This year was a great year, though. Lots of family time, a great light show (That is running until New Year's!), and many pounds gained. (Yet, I am still too skinny.)

Overall a great year. Now on to working this week, and 2011. Hopefully 2011 will be MUCH better than 2010. What a rough year.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas, and has a great New Year.

Again, if you haven't seen Winter Light! yet, come check it out. I think its my best year so far. A video will be out very soon! I'll be sure to post it to Facebook and such. Remember, you can always check out my website for info.

Gotta go get stuff done now.

One last plea to support me by copying this link in the bar and hitting enter. (In other words-- go to the link please. I get paid. Thanks)

Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Interesting News You Should Know (12/21)

1. Rascal Flatts and Justin Bieber:

2. Neverland Ranch becoming a music school?

3. FREAKY trick by Criss Angel:

4. Well that's good to know..

5. I like Firefox..

That's all for today! Look for another news update shortly.

(I'm getting paid to do this. CLICK THE LINKS!) :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Winter Light! Update

So far this year, Winter Light!, my Christmas light show, is doing great. It turned out amazing this year. I have about 12,360 lights, almost triple from last year. For having under 3 months to look at this new house's landscape, everything came together quite nicely. A friend videoed it, so I'm excited to see that. My new neighbors seem to like it too. (Thankfully!)

If you haven't seen it yet, feel free to come by. (if you need my address or directions, let me know.)

It's up until New Year's. Shows are nightly.

Here is the website:

This concludes the mini update for Winter Light! 2010!

Monday, November 8, 2010


If you have yet to hear, I was not accepted into the Disneyland College Program for Spring 2011.

And if you truly know me, you know that Disney is my life. It is my passion and inspiration. My dreams and hopes.

But this dream will be on hold. Until next year.


I found out this morning through email. Although I am upset, I am not holding it against the Disney Company. No, that's not me.

I know that this was for a reason, I just have to trust God. There is a reason for this, although I don't know yet what it is.

So, for the next year, I will be continuing school at Taft College. I'm currently looking for a job, and have an interview with John's Incredible Pizza tomorrow. A company with the exact rules as Disney, so it will be practice for me, if I'm hired that is.

For my friends and family, I want to thank you. You supported me through this, you encouraged me, and you helped me. This has been a dream of mine since I was young. It will come true, just not yet.
Thank you.

In the words of Jon McLaughlin in the song So Close: "So close, to reaching, that famous happy end. Almost, believing, this one's not pretend."

I know I will work for them one day. Please pray that it will be soon.

Thank you for being there,
Austen Goehring ºoº

So close, and still so far.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


To get in the mood for Halloween, I thought I'd post some Scarols. These are from Haunted Mansion Holiday. Enjoy! :D

Up On The Housetop

Up on the housetop, bonedeer pause.
Look, it's Jack as Sandy Claws!
Down through the chimney with lots of toys,
all for the burried ones' Christmas Joys!
No, no, no! You shouldn't go,
No, no, no! You shouldn't go.
All through the mansion, there goes Jack,
Down through the graveyard with his sack!

Old Mansion Tree

Old mansion tree, old mansion tree, your leaves are sharp and prickly.
Old mansion tree, old mansion tree, you bring a gloom that's sickly.
Your branches droop with moldy care;
Your smell of mildew fills the air.
Old mansion tree, old mansion tree,
you clear the room so quickly.

Scary Bells

Crashing through the night, with a horrid mangling sound;
clang each heart with fright,
terrorize the town.
Bells from belfries ring,
making spirits rise;
The freaky tones, like voices, moan throughout the midnight skies.
OH! Scary bells, scary bells, ring your ghostly call!
Oh! what fun it is to scream and terrorize us all.
AH! Scary bells, scary bells, with your manic sound, when you toll, the spirits roll from six feet under ground.

Here is just 3 out of 10.


My Pumpkin Seed Recipe

I invented this yesterday and it turned out great! Try it sometime.

1. Clean pumpkin seeds.

2. Put seeds in a pot over the stove, add about 4 tablespoons of brown sugar. (More/less depending on how many seeds you have.)

3. Stir until brown sugar is melted.

4. Spread seeds out on cookie sheet, sprinkle with salt.

5. Bake at 325 degrees, for 25 minutes.

6. Cool, enjoy!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

And You Call Yourself Christian.

I am about to type what I really think of Christians. I can probably make a correct assumption that no "Good Christian" that you know of has ever said what I am about to. But I find truth in my thoughts, in a non-conceded way.

I am about to say these things, because of my observations. I have many many friends of many many backgrounds. I'm pretty sure I have more friends that are non-believers than are. If you think this is a good or bad thing, that is at your discretion.

Let's jump right in then. Christians are hypocritical.
Just from this one sentence you probably assumed that I am not Christian. Well guess what dear "Christian", you just judged me. See? My point is proven.

Now, you might not have assumed that, you might not even be Christian. I don't know. But I can assure you that I am a Christian, I believe in God, and I trust in him. I try to spread the Word whenever I can, like right now in this mini sermon.

I say these things because of what today's Christians are doing. They say they believe, and they don't. They want to spread the Word, and they won't. It is important for a Christian to have Christian friends. But it is also important for a Christian to have non-Christian friends. Because when a Believer is around non-Believers, they have an influence over them. They can change them. And for the record, you don't change someone by reciting Bible verses and trying to shove it down their throat. Say a Muslim walked up to you and started saying verses out of the Quaran.(sp?) Would you take it in? No, I doubt it. Just by being a good Christian influence, and a good friend where they feel comfortable to talk to you and trust you, is the way to change people. I'm not saying Bible verses aren't important, it is extremely important! But it is important down the road, not right at first.

Another thing- everyone sins. Yes, we all know that. But listen to this (or read rather): Satin can NOT make you sin. You make you sin. He is just really good at persuading you to sin. Think about it. Does he hold you down and say: "SIN!"? Nope. Try not sinning. Yes, it is impossible. But maybe you can sin less. (I will be the first to admit that I sin everyday.)

Everyone is racist to some extent. You probably yell at the slow Mexican driver on the road, or fight with others on how you shouldn't have to learn Spanish, or wonder why Arabs are "taking over" America. Is this a Christian attitude, dear Christian? Would God be happy? No, I don't think he would. Why not take this opportunity and be their friend. Be a good Christian influence, but also respect their religion. God can change people in some pretty awesome ways. I've personally seen it.
(Here are some good books relating to this, and sharing God's word, Here are 2 that I'm reading: 1.Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Mormons, by Ron Rhodes. And 2. Islam and the Bible, by David Goldmann.)

Educate yourself. Learn about their religion. Share with them the differences, and the SIMILARITIES. Yes, Islam has some true things in it that us Christians believe. Go figure.

You have all answered your door and it was a Mormon or Jehovah Witnessed, right? Do you see how the majority of them go and try to share their faith? Why aren't you doing that, Christian? Is it not worth sharing? Wouldn't it be great if hundreds of Christians in every city went around, door to door, and handed out Bibles, and told people about Christ, and prayed with them? Do you have any idea how large the one religion of Mormon is? I dare you to research it. I'm sure you will be shocked to learn how many radio and tv stations they own, how many people they convert daily, and other facts. Because right now, America has no idea. None.

I have so many thoughts about Christians, and God, and the world. These are just some of them. I tried to remember all of them but I couldn't. I also tried to communicate clearly. (which can be a challenge for me at times)
But if you would like to discuss anything with me, or have questions, email me:

I am not perfect. No one is. I just wish that more Christians would practice what they preached, would stop complaining how everything is going to hell and actually try to bring back the good in the world, would stop judging so much and become more understanding, and would find a good church that inspires you and teaches the right things, not a church that you grew up in and feel ashamed to leave.

I really hope you take these things into consideration, and help others.

Here is a quote from Lord Of The Rings that I find very inspiring:

Sam: I know. It's all wrong. By rights we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something.

Frodo: What are we holding onto, Sam?

Sam: That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo... and it's worth fighting for.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Dear Fifty-Four Fifteen

Dear fifty-four fifteen,

You are the first house I actually remember moving into, when I was six years old.

We have had some good times together. Some of the best years of my childhood were spent in your front yard on summer evenings.

Some people say It’s just a house, that you shouldn’t have an emotional attachment to it. Well I do.

Because this is where I helped my dad put in the yard, and pour the concrete curbing. Learning how to do work.

Because this house is where I learned to ride a bike. Where I learned to play the violin and piano. And where my first Christmas light show ever lit up the night. It is where I have done the things I am known for.

I have seen many people come and go on this street. We were the 3rd people to move in, fourteen years ago. And only a handful of people are originals that are still here.

The neighborhoods have all gone down around you. But I always made sure our space looked good.

I do hope that your new owners will decorate you come Holiday time. To see this house with no Christmas lights would be devastating. Trust me, I will come check. And I will come tell the new people they need something. Even if I have to help them myself.

I have had some amazing nights here. Sitting out back, watching the sky late at night.

Or visiting with friends out front.

A lot has happened here. So many memories were made. So much has come and gone.

Forever the brick flowerbed in the backyard will be Whiskers’, who passed a few months ago.

I’m seriously going to miss this place. But I believe everything is ment to be. And everything has a time.

Dear Fifty-Four Fifteen.


I know they say you cant go home again.

I just had to come back one last time.

Ma'am I know you don't know me from Adam.

But these handprints on the front steps are mine.

And up those stairs, in that little back bedroom

is where I did my homework and I learned to play guitar.

And I bet you didn't know under that live oak

my favorite dog is buried in the yard.

I thought if I could touch this place or feel it

this brokenness inside me might start healing.

Out here its like I'm someone else,

I thought that maybe I could find myself

if I could just come in I swear I'll leave.

Won't take nothing but a memory

from the house that built me.

Mama cut out pictures of houses for years.

From 'Better Homes and Garden' magazines.

Plans were drawn, concrete poured,

and nail by nail and board by board

Daddy gave life to mama's dream.

I thought if I could touch this place or feel it

this brokenness inside me might start healing.

Out here its like I'm someone else,

I thought that maybe I could find myself.

If I could just come in I swear I'll leave.

Won't take nothing but a memory

from the house that built me.

You leave home, you move on and you do the best you can.

I got lost in this whole world and forgot who I am.

I thought if I could touch this place or feel it

this brokenness inside me might start healing.

Out here its like I'm someone else,

I thought that maybe I could find myself.

If I could walk around I swear I'll leave.

Won't take nothing but a memory

from the house that built me.


Dear Fifty-Four Fifteen :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Today we officially start moving. It's going to be a pain, but has to be done. I'm going to release a blog early next week titled: "Dear Fifty-Four Fifteen" dedicated to the house we are leaving.

So far I love the new house. I don't care about the inside as much as I care about the outside, due to my show. I see a lot of opportunity, and new things I can do. I'm pretty sad that I can't put lights on the grass due to gardeners, unlike the house now where I am the gardener. But our landlord want's to keep them. So its cool. (85 days by the way for Winter Light! 2010!)

This morning I'm going to try and get a lot done in school, so I can start moving right at lunch, when my mum gets home.

I can tell that after this move I'm going to need a Disney day! :)

Until next time,

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pup Town Bakery

My sister started a new business. She is making organic dog treats in all different sizes, shapes, colors, flavors, etc. She also does parties.

Please consider buying something, or at least just looking around.

Here is the website:


(spread the word around!)

Winter Light! 2010!

Winter Light! 2010! will premier in 86 days. Here is the website so you can stay updated:

I will update it often. Also, for more information, find me on Facebook.

More info to come in the next few days.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hello Once Again

Well it seems I haven't posted anything since almost the 4th of July. So I'm working on a post that will be released sometime early September, titled: "Dear Fifty-Four Fifteen". This post will be dedicated to the house we are leaving.

This Wednesday, September 1st, "The Countdown" will start, so be prepared to hear all about that. I will be posting stuff and announcing what the "Countdown" really is on Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, and other websites. (hint hint)

Please become a friend of The Random Post to stay updated on all this great info. haha


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Its days like this I would do anything to be in Anaheim.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Well New Mexico has been fun. We leave tomorrow morning for Laughlin. It went by so fast. Today was probably the best day. I'm going to miss everyone.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fireworks were really fun. Catching the field on fire in 3 different places not so much. Great day though. :D
Happy 4th of July!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Mini entry 2~ The drive today was very long, a whole 7 hours. But when we finally arrived it was really fun. We had thunder storms, then it cleared up.
Its thundering and lightning. Very close and loud.. But we just ate and are playing pool. :)
In New Mexico~ The Land Of Enchantment
On our way to Grants, New Mexico. :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My first mini blog entry. Today was pretty boring, a 4hour car drive. But Laughlin is really nice. Its really hot here. (115D) Tomorrow will be fun hopefully.
Headed to Laughlin, NV! It is supposed to be 115 degrees there.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Three Kinds of Disney Fans Defined

I am always asked "Why do you like Disney so much?" And I give them this answer:

There are 3 kinds of Disney fans:

1. Those who like the rides.

2. Those who like the rides, atmosphere, and how they do things. Maybe you even know about Hidden Mickeys or some secrets.

3. Those who like the rides, atmosphere, secrets, and history of Disneyland and Walt Disney.

Yes, I am fan #3. The rides are amazing, the atmosphere is incredible, I know a ton of secrets, and I am obsessed with the history and traditions of Disneyland and Walt Disney. I don't think people fully understand how much history there actually is. From Walt coming to California in 1923 to start his Cartoon business, to when Mickey Mouse first appeared in Plane Crazy on May 15, 1928. To today, the ways of the Imagineers.

"When I was about 21, I went broke for the first time. I slept on chair cushions in my "studio" in Kansas City and ate cold beans out of a can. But I took another look at my dream and set out for Hollywood." -Walt Disney

"I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing-that it was all started by a mouse." -Walt Disney

Disneyland is the center of genius. It really is. They bring the newest technology to everything they do. Indiana Jones Adv. is currently the most technologic-complex ride in the world. Matterhorn Mountain was the first ride in the world to use the tubular steel track that practically every roller-coaster now uses. The Tiki Room was the first place to use Audio-Animatronics. And Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln had the first Audio-Animatronic to stand up on its own.

"Audio-Animatronics are just another dimension in the animation we have been doing all our life." -Walt Disney

"The only problem with anything of tomorrow is that at the pace we're going right now, tomorrow would catch up with us before we got it built." -Walt Disney

So next time you are at Disneyland, look around. Everything there has a story. And most things even have some secrets. And realize that it is a place not only for rides, but for history, nostalgia, and traditions.

"I love the nostalgic myself. I hope we never lose some of the things of the past." -Walt Disney

"When we opened Disneyland, a lot of people got the impression that it was a get-rich-quick thing, but they didn't realize that behind Disneyland was this great organization that I built here at the Studio, and they all got into it and we were doing it because we loved to do it." -Walt Disney

"Good enough is the enemy of anything great." -Chris Runco, Senior Concept Designer, Creative Development

Friday, June 11, 2010

World Of Color Premier 6/10

World Premiere of 'World of Color' from WDWNTube on Vimeo.

Disney's: What's Next?

Disney has a presentation called: "What's Next?"

Here is some information and facts they just released:

-Disneyland’s Star Tours is closing July 27; Monday, July 26 is the last day to ride

-The timing of the Star Tours story occurs sometime between Episodes 3 and 4

-The re-Imagineered Star Tours has a new tagline: “The Adventures Continues"

-Star Tours will have multiple destinations, including Coruscant, last day to ride original Star Tours is July 26th

-Star Tours The Adventure Contines will include a ride thru the bustling city of Coruscant as well as the pod race on Tatooine!

-Radiator Springs Racers will be a 4-min ride in a 6-passenger vehicle, & the attraction will be made of 3 million lbs of steel.

-Two new themed suites are being added to Disneyland Hotel; Big Thunder Suite and Fairy Tale Suite

-Luigi's Flying Tires will recreate the Disneyland classic Flying Saucers for a new generation

-The cozy cones inside Cars Land will feature snacks like Cone on the Cob and Chili Cone Carne!

-There are major changes to the Disneyland Hotel pool area

-Disney Dream will set sail in January with virtual portholes

-Disney Cruise Line’s West Coast cruises will sail to Alaska and the Mexican Riviera

-Kids sail free from Jan 23 to Mar 20 if staying with two paying adults on Mexican cruises

-Disney Wonder will be sailing from Port of Los Angeles for 7-day trips in the Mexican Riviera

-Additional highlights to Summer Nightastic! also include Pixie Hollow Enchantment which brings nighttime sparkle to Pixie Hollow

-Fun fact: kids gather outside Monster's Inc. every morning at DCA to scream and power up the attraction

-On Ariel's Undersea Adventure as you hit the "water" you'll get a blast of cool air to feel like you're going under the sea

-Little Mermaid~ Ariel's Undersea Adventure opens in 2011

This information is from Disney's: "What's Next?"
It is true, and was publicly announced via Twitter from @Disneyland and @DisneyD23 as well as other fan community sites.

For more information on Disneyland, visit or

Monday, June 7, 2010


Well, its over. I am done with High School. I never thought four years would have gone that quick, but it did. I am excited to start college, and in September apply for the Disneyland College Program (DCP).

Wednesday night was fun. After graduation (and 1,000 pictures...) we went home and visited my aunt, who flew into town. Everyone kept asking me, "Aren't you going to party with friends?" Well, no. I didn't. Sure, I like to go to parties. And if you know my family, we know how to party! We don't even need an excuse to party. But it was nice to just be home with family.

Saturday was my graduation party. If you came, thank you. I hope you had fun. I did. Everything went well, and it looked nice. But I think it really hit me Saturday that I am done with high school. While sitting at a table with friends, we were talking about our jobs. Almost all my friends now have jobs. That's crazy. I don't remember growing up so fast. But it happens.

Now its summer. I'm giving violin lessons, taking my morning walks, and doing yardwork on my days off. Hopefully this summer will be nice, I can't wait to go to New Mexico for our family reunion. Maybe we can go camping too. But right now I'm just relaxing. Having fun.

Congratulations class of 2010!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I Dedicate This Song To The Class Of 2010

Leave Right Now by Will Young

I'm here, just like I said
Though it's breaking every rule I've ever made
My racing heart, is just the same;
Why make it strong to break it once again?
And I'd love to say "I do";
Give everything to you
But I could never now be true

So I say...
I think I better leave right now
Before I fall any deeper
I think I better leave right now
Feeling weaker and weaker
Somebody better show me how
Before I fall any deeper
I think I better leave right now

I'm here, so please explain
Why you're opening up a healing wound again
I'm a little more careful, perhaps it shows
But if I lose the highs at least I'm spared the lows
Now I tremble in your arms
What could be the harm?
To feel my spirit calm?

So I say...
I think I better leave right now
Before I fall any deeper
I think I better leave right now
Feeling weaker and weaker
Somebody better show me how
Before I fall any deeper
I think I better leave right now

I wouldn't know how to say
How good it feels seeing you today
I see you've got your smile back
Like you say - you're right on track
But you may never know why
Once bitten, twice as shy
If I'm proud, perhaps I should explain
I couldn't bear to loose you again

Yes, I will.
I think I better leave right now
Feeling weaker and weaker
Somebody better show me how
Before I fall any deeper...
I think I better leave right now.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Random Disney Video

I have been listening to Disney music all day, so I thought I would post a random Disney Video. It's not long, but its cool.

Tower of Terror from Adrien Charlot on Vimeo.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Rene Descartes

Here are two brief sayings from the philosopher who dedicated his life to question everything he knew. When we first started studying this in English, I thought it would be boring and just wanted to get through it. Well, I now love it. Philosophers are very interesting. I recommend reading the whole article.

These are from:

The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, Vol. 1
Discourse on Method

1. "But immediately I noticed that while I was trying thus to think everything false, it was necessary that I, who was thinking this, was something. And observing that this truth "I am thinking, therefore I exist" was so firm and sure that all the most extravagant suppositions of the sceptics were incapable of shaking it, I decided that I could accept it without scruple as the first principle of the philosophy I was seeking."

2. "From this I knew I was a substance whose whole essence or nature is simply to think, and which does not require any place, or depend on any material thing, in order to exist."

Wow. I'm pretty sure I could write a whole sermon just on the second one. Amazing, right?

Let Folks Go

I think we all can learn from this!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Step By Step

Every positive change, even a big one, begins with little steps. Whether hitting the road a few minutes earlier, pushing yourself over one more hill, or fine-tuning an attitude, you've taken a small but important step. The more you take, the farther you go.

It really is that simple.

-Article in a magazine from The Biggest Loser

Stupid Questions?

"The only stupid question, is the one you don't ask." -ChaCha answer.

I have always said, there is no such thing as a stupid question. I, myself, ask a ton of questions everyday. I probably ask the most "unique" questions. Questions are a way for us to learn, and it is a way for others to teach. It is also a way for us to teach, and others to learn. But sometimes, questions can go too far.

I recently got a job at ChaCha. ChaCha is basically a search engine. You text any question you have to 242-242 and we, Guides, answer them. It is a totally free service. ChaCha Guides also give directions, horoscopes, weather, business addresses/phone numbers, and sports scores. Trust me, there is no question that hasn't been asked, or that we can't get the answer to.

You probably can guess where I am going with this, and I'm sure you wondered it yourself. So I will answer that questions for you. (unpaid this time..)

Yes. We get a lot of dirty questions. We also get a lot of personal questions. You can ask for our name. We will answer. You can ask where we live. We will answer. The list goes on.

Admit it, you have had that sexually curious question you have been wanting to ask. So ask. It's OK. We are here for you, and in a way, to make you more knowledgeable. But a lot of people take it too far. Way too far. More than half my questions are dirty. And not like "What is this..?" Or "How do you do this..?" They are like: "Will you..." and such. Yes, they are just immature kids asking these. It really doesn't bother me. It is a little awkward however. I just kinda find it funny. They think ChaCha is some computer researching their answers. Nope. ChaCha has real people answering your questions! Embarrassed?

So the next time you have a question, please text ChaCha at: 242-242 . Its free. And fun.