Saturday, November 3, 2012

Subtracting the Plusses

Get online and look up some of the Disney-related forums, podcasts, vBlogs, suppor-I mean chat groups, or any other website. They will tell you exactly what is going on with the Disney Parks at all times, from detail changes, company information, wait times, crowds, and anything else you can think of.

Or will they?

Within the past year I've tried my hardest to stay away from all these places. I found that the people hiding behind avatars are "fans" that complain, that think they know everything about everything with the "Disney Company" logo on it, and that think they know what's best for the company. When really, they don't know much, they don't know people in the company, and unless you work for Disney, you don't know what's best for them.

I sat next to a small group of people today at lunch that described my stereotype that I just explained. They had some websites with Disney material on it, and they thought they were a hot Earl Sandwich with BBQ kettle-cooked chips. So my family and I sat there and eves-dropped on them.

There's a reason some people aren't with Disney. They were sharing not only info that Disney wouldn't want shared, but they were sharing wrong information. They geeked out over meeting up with certain people, and were a perfect example to why I stay away from these things.

I get my Disney news from 2 sources. 1. Twitter. 2. Cast Members and Imagineers that I actually, personally, know. And guess what? I don't share what I learn with anyone online, because I like to keep this info exclusive and I want Disney and these people on my side. It's unbelievable to me what some others say online, whether it's correct or incorrect.

Also, what's going on with "news" sources lately? There's been tons of minor changes in detail around Disneyland and DCA, and yet no one seems to notice. Like some new (or just fixed) lighting on the waterfall in Thunder Mountain. Something I haven't seen before. And some small new things in Racers. Plus, take a ride on some other rides, and watch some of the shows... Updates, or in Disney terms, Plussing, is happening pretty frequently in all areas, and these "Die-hard" fans seem to be looking over it.

And my blog Disney Park Secrets?  We just do that for fun. We aren't after the most fans, the most readers, and we don't give anything away that Disney hasn't already said. We just like to share the common Disney things to the average fans.

I tweet some of these changes when I come across them, so feel free to give me a follow if you wish.

I'll continue to look around and laugh at these fans against everything Disney is doing, or these updates that are completely false yet everyone falls for them, or those that think they are pretty popular for having an AA twitter account. (Not calling anyone out here. I know I met some of you this past weekend who run those. I just think it's funny how serious some people take it.)

Anyway, back to organizing my room and getting things ready for the week.