Monday, February 28, 2011

DCA in 10 Days!

In 10 days, I'll be attending the D23 Mixer in Anaheim, California. I'm going with a great Cast Member friend of mine. I'm excited to finally see World of Color, ElecTRONica, and to take pictures of all the construction. It's been awhile since I've been to DCA. I'm looking forward to get away from school and work for a day.

However, my mother isn't so happy. She is actually freaking out. This is the first time that I will be driving to LA by myself. She wants me to ride with someone, because she doesn't want me to fall asleep on my way home. And she is just nervous about my trip there, with traffic and such. I understand, but I think I can do it.

Here is her list to me on what I need to do before I leave:

1. Get my flashers fixed. (I agree)
2. Buy a car charger for my phone.
3. Change my oil. (It needs it)
4. Leave by 10pm. NO LATER! (says she)
5. Buy coffee when I leave, and stop at Magic Mountain to get some more.
6. Roll down my window if I get tired. (I'll pass on this. I don't like my windows down.)

I only live about 2 hours away from Anaheim. It's not a major trip. And if I get stranded.. Oh well! :D Guess I'll just have to stay at Disneyland for another day. Dang. (hehe)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to it. I think it will be a great time. I'll be sure to keep you updated, and blog about my adventures down there.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Political Rant- Fair Thinking

Hey all.

I'm taking this short time I have to post something that has been troubling me for a few weeks. Now, I say this over and over, and I'm going to say it again. I'm not the best at describing or communicating my ideas. So please, bear with me.

I've decided to blog this. Because I don't want to offend anyone on Facebook. I don't want this turning into a huge debate. I don't want to lose friends, or think less of them, or have them think less of me. Many, many people have made me want to do this. I feel this is an appropriate place and time. Even for the short crowd and few friends who are going to read this. Well, here it goes.

Let me just say it straight forward before I go into detail.

Your democrat. I'm republican. Your (Insert different religion here). I'm Christian. I respect that you believe what you do, and you are who you are. Honestly, I do. I promise. But I'm not feeling the respect back. No, in fact, I'm feeling pretty mad about what I feel I'm getting back.

Let's start with this. Everyone is a hypocrite. Everyone is. It's just like how everyone lies. Everyone does it. Some more, some less. It's nature. Ok?

Now, I'm going to use democrat Vs. republican in this rant of mine. Because I'm republican.

You believe what you do. You probably like Obama. You probably are for gay marriage. Ok. I respect that! Honestly, I do!

Now, I don't like him, and I'm not for that. Here's where it gets interesting. Tension occurs, and fights begin. You don't respect what I believe. You always have to be right, I am wrong. That's not the democrat or republican way. That's human nature.

Look, this is what I'm saying. You believe and are for what you believe and are for. I obviously differ than that, and believe different things. Let's respect each other for that, say "OK, your still a friend of mine." Fighting about this isn't going to change my mind, and it isn't going to change your mind. So let's just skip that part.

Here is where my personality shows. I don't try to shove this down your throat. I rarely post republican propaganda. And if I do, it dang sure isn't offensive to you. It's just about republican-ness, just like how your posting about democrat-ness. We differ on thoughts. THAT'S OK! Let's just say, cool, and move on.

I like politics. I don't like how some things are being run, but that's ok. Because you don't like all of it either.

Now for my republican friends-

You are giving ALL of us a bad reputation. You, who are probably Christian, do NOT trust God in all this. Not every Muslim is a terrorist. Instead of thinking this way, just be a good, Christian influence to them. Don't force it down their throat. Don't even bring up religion. Just be kind. It's really not that hard. I do it everyday. I never bring religion up to people. Somehow, someway, the convo just comes up on it. And in the right time, you can both share it. If it is ment to be, it will be. This is just one example. Here is another: I'm not for gay marriage. But I have many gay friends. I don't hate them, I'm not going to sit there and say: "Your going to hell! God hates you!", No, That's the most un-Christian thing I could ever do. In fact, I believe that's called judging. Which is a sin also. Instead, I say, I'm not for it, but I respect that you are. And we still are friends who know where each of us stand.

I hope I'm making sense. To both parties, stop the fighting that isn't getting us anywhere. Yea, our people who represent us on both sides aren't the best. Yea, we both have a lot of friends who are different than us. Stand up for what you believe in, but don't blame the other party. We've all made mistakes. Seriously. And we all have different beliefs. No one is perfect, or a perfect candidate for any office.

I really hope you get my point. I'm typing this fast because I'm pretty upset about all this that's going on. It makes me mad.

And lastly- If your going to put it on Facebook, Twitter, or anywhere else, then I have a right to comment on it and share my views. Which are probably different than yours. So think twice about it. Because I don't want to fight and lose friends.

I'll tell this story again. I have a friend. No, a best friend. She is democrat. I'm republican. We had a class everyday together, and EVERYDAY we fought about opposing views. Yet, we still are best friends. If everyone were like that than it would be ok to argue. But some people take it way to personal.

Mkay? Questions? Comments? Let me know if you do.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Well I woke up sick. I have bad allergies, a headache, and a slight fever. I was supposed to do school and go to a lesson, but I really don't feel like it today. So school can wait one more day. I'm just glad I don't have to work, that would have sucked. ha

So I'm currently on my laptop on my couch, watching movies. Right now I'm watching Kung-Fu Panda. Later I'll probably watch Jurassic Park or Inception.

I hate just laying around! I had stuff I wanted to do today. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel fine. I'm chugging all kinds of liquids. haha

Well, feel free to entertain me someway.
