Saturday, April 28, 2012

Klout Perk: T-Shirt

Just received this shirt in the mail from Klout. Pretty cool shirt, and it's part of "First Car Story".

Friday, April 27, 2012

Attractions Magazine

So I recently bought 1 edition of the Attractions Magazine. I've heard about it before, but since it wasn't based solely in California and Disneyland, it took me awhile to be convinced. I haven't started to read it yet, but from scanning through the pages I think I'm going to enjoy it.

I'm pretty sure I'll be signing up for a year's subscription. This will keep me up-to-date with the East Coast attractions, something I could learn more about. For all my Disney, and Theme park fans, definitely consider signing up!

If anyone from the Attractions Magazine is reading this, I'd love to see a good portion dedicated to the West Coast. I know that would be tough to do two different Coasts with basically the same Parks, but if there's anything I could do to help or encourage you to further add and grow, I would be happy to do it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Scary Sounds

If you were to walk in my kitchen right now, there's a small fence around a dog crate by the bar. This is Rufus's current home, and since he's a hunting dog, we play a CD in the den all day that has over 100 tracks of nothing but random sounds. This helps him become more use to everyday noises, so when he's out in the field, he isn't jumpy or scared. Especially since there will be gun shots and other loud noises.

Well, Rufus may be use to these sounds by now, but I'm not. The other day I woke up to people talking in the kitchen. The voices didn't sound familiar, so it startled me. I slowly peeked around the corner and realized it was that stupid CD.

And today I came home from school, and stopped at the front door to get my keys out. I suddenly heard dishes breaking. No one else was home. So, I get my McDonald's coffee ready to throw in the face of a murderer or thief, and slowly open the door. That CD tricked me again.

I'm pretty sure in a few weeks I won't even notice if someone breaks in or any other strange noises around my house. I guess that's the point- not to care. But for some reason I can't remember that it's just the CD.

Now I'm anxiously waiting, prepared to not let that trick me again.

If you want an update on Rufus, check out his own blog at: Along Came Rufus

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Klout Perk- On The Future Of Food

Just received another Klout Perk. It's not one of my favorites, but it's interesting nonetheless. Some good ideas in this small book. Plus, it's written by the Prince of Wales. That alone automatically makes it fancy and high end.

Dad's 50th Surprise Party

Yesterday, we successfully accomplished a surprise party for my dad's birthday. We thought he'd figure it out before, but he didn't really get it until he pulled onto the street and saw all the cars. We had about 30 people there that were either close friends, or family. Everything turned out great.

Dad and his Mom

My pool fountain/light show

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Hey everyone! I just thought I'd stop by and wish you all a very Happy Easter.

Today we went to church, which is at the park every year.

The turnout is usually pretty big- A couple thousand people attend. It's a great way to spread the word and celebration that Jesus has risen!

Now we are getting the BBQ ready for some ham, pheasant casserole, and other delicious foods with all the family.

Hope you had a great Easter! He has risen!

"The angels said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.
He is not here; He has risen, just as he said..."

-Matt. 28:5-6

Monday, April 2, 2012

What I've Been Up To

Has it really been a couple of weeks since I blogged? I mean, yesterday I posted a few updates, but nothing too major. Just thought I'd pop in for a sec and write about what's new with me. Nothing. The end.

Alright, so maybe some minor new things. I'm currently just working still, going to school (almost done!), and playing with our new addition to the family- Rufus, a French Pointer puppy. These things alone have kept me busy. But, Easter Break has started and this week I'm gonna try to make it a productive one by finish reading the Hunger Games and go see the movie, and organize things a bit in my space at the house. Maybe I'll write some more on the Random Post. I've been keeping Disney Park Secrets up to date a bit lately, and now it's Jake's turn to do a land, so I'll be taking a short leave of absence from there.

Total side note, kinda crushing on a girl. (For those of you that haven't been able to tell from all our online discussions and shananigans). Just thought I'd mention that. I'm prepared to be bugged about it now, but I don't care. She's pretty much worth it. :)

Well that's about it. My current life in a nutshell. Back to.. Well, living.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Klout Perk- Adventures of TinTin

Another Klout Perk that I received this week is a package from Purina Dog Chow. This package came with a coupon for a free bag of dog food, plus the movie The Adventures of TinTin. (A movie I have not yet seen).

Can't wait to watch this tonight! And this coupon couldn't have come at a better time, since we have a new addition to the Animal Kingdom Family! Thank you Klout and Purina!

Klout Perk- Simple

One of my more recent Klout Perks is a few items from Simple.

A new line in the U.S., this stuff is pretty popular in the U.K. and in other countries. I gave it to my mom and sister to try, so we'll see how they like it. Thanks Klout and Simple!

Spending My Millions

With the popularity of the lotto in the past week, and I, like everyone else and their mother, buying tickets for the Mega Millions drawing, it got me thinking what I would do if I did happen to win the $640 million dollar jackpot. (After those pesky taxes, of course.)

Well, here's what I quickly mapped out in my head:

Obviously my parents and sister will be taken care of. They will retire, live in a house of their choice, and have everything they ever wanted.

The next people I would help would be my best friends. And by best friends, I mean all 5. Not all my Facebook friends. These select few close friends would be graciously taken care of, and so would their own families.

I would donate generously to a few charities. One of them being the John Wayne Cancer Society, which saved my dad's life. My church would be able to reach out more as well.

I would help those in desperate need, that I know of as well.

And as for me, I would probably buy a new electronic toy, a new FJ Cruiser, a house in Anaheim, then invest and save the rest. I would still work, and I would continue my education as planned.

In all honesty, I don't think I would want to win, actually. Because then you have too many enemies, too many family members asking for money, too many "friends" trying to re-unite, when they had nothing to do with you before. It just seems like it causes more problems then it's worth. But, if I did win enough, this is a brief summary of what I would do with it.

What would you do?